The Asian American Golf Association (AAGA) is an association of golfers formed to represent their collective golf interests. The club represents Asian American members from the New York Tri-state Area. The AAGA is organized for the promotion of sociability, friendly golf competition, and good fellowship among its members. Toward this purpose, it shall hold a series of golf outings at each Association Club throughout the year and an Annual Championship Tournament at a site approved by the Board of Directors. Also it shall pursue any and all things which may be necessary and proper in relation to its objectives and purposes, as a non-profit organization.
The Club's purpose is to provide club members an organization:
- To coordinate, develop & schedule programs and events,
- To promote golf membership and participation locally and regionally,
- To voice their opinions and participate in a golf organization,
- To improve golf skill,
- To provide credibility
- To foster, expand & extend golf in the membership area,
- To communicate members, recreational golfers, the community, and other clubs,
- To be an efficient philanthropy channel for the needy in the participation area.
President: Peter Moy
Vice-President: Steven Fung
Treasurer: Dominic Chu
Secretary: Felix Moy
Club Manager: Kelvin Lee, Louis Lin, Stanley Chn
Club Coordinator: Peter Wong
Board of Directors: Paul Lau, Ming Lam, Ricky Sun, Albert Yim, Jiming Chen, Peter Wong
Membership Committee: Steven Fung, MIng Lam, Dominic Chu, Jiming Chen, Paul Lau
Handicap Committee:Stanley Chin, Jiming Chen, Albert Yim
Tournament Committee: Jiming Chen, Peter Wong